Working With Me
I’m Lilli Craemer, a certified NLP Master Coach, here to guide you on your very own personal journey to a happier life and more successful career through my transformational coaching.
I wonder whether you are here because you are:
Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with your career and life?
Seeing other people excel past you in their career?
Hearing other people being praised for things you do?
Struggling with getting your work life balance right?
Feeling stuck whichever way you try to turn?
Feeling like you are not good enough and never will be?
Searching for your lost mojo in your career and life?
Let me tell you that you are not alone! Everyone knows that coaches support individuals and teams in sporting every day as they strive constantly to do better. So if you are an ambitious professional you want to use the best methods to excel your life and career.
I’m definitely very excited about working with you as one of my awesome clients. I have developed three wonderful coaching packages so you can gain more confidence, transform yourself and achieve your awesome results right now!
Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them – a facilitation approach.
So are you ready to …
Take charge of your life and empower yourself to make changes?
Resolve internal conflicts distracting you from going forward?
Set clear and focused goals to make your dreams become reality?
Align your values with your goals to drive you to achieve them?
Get rid of unhelpful beliefs and habits that hold you back?
Let go of negative baggage that slows your progress down?
Gain confidence in yourself to embrace your awesome future now?
Then look at my coaching packages filled with awesomeness to find the right one for you or book a free consultation session to discuss your specific needs to create a bespoke transformational coaching package just for you.
Coaching Package 1: Explorational Awesomeness
This coaching package lets you explore one of the many option available to give your life a boost of awesomeness.
Spend 2 hours with me exploring any of the unhelpful behaviours and patterns you created in your unconscious mind and tackle a specific problem you face that stops you from living your life to the fullest right now. This might involve resolving an internal conflict, getting rid of an unhelpful belief, overcoming a phobia, developing a goal that will inspire you or just filling yourself up with positive energy to embrace your awesome life.
Coaching Package 2: Deep Dive Awesomeness
This coaching package lets you dive deep into your unconscious mind to create long lasting awesomeness.
Spend 1 day with me to journey into the wonders of your unconscious mind and release all your emotional baggage from your past. This is using the truly transformational technique to free yourself from the big five negative emotions of anger, sadness, hurt, fear and guilt and empower you to go forward and make your dreams come true. It also includes removing your main limiting beliefs which have restricted your personal growth so far stopping you from reaching your full potential.
Coaching Package 3: Transformational Awesomeness
This coaching package lets you work intensively on yourself to transform your life with an awesome breakthrough.
Spend 2 days with me to completely transform your life and career and emerge in the best version of yourself right now to turbo charge your success story. Use this transformation to leave behind all your emotional baggage from your past using a truly transformational technique to allow you to let go of anger, sadness, hurt, fear and guilt to open yourself to the positive opportunities your future holds for you. This also includes developing an inspiring long-term goal, aligning two of your values with your goal and adjust your thinking to be adaptable to your life’s challenges making this an unique transformational experience to embrace the future of your dreams right now.
All my coaching packages include a free consultation, pre-work, action plans and a follow up to make sure you get the best value for money.
If you are unsure about which coaching package is best for you just get in touch for a free consultation to discuss your personal needs to find the right boost for your awesomeness.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!